In a heartbreaking incident on Christmas Eve, armed gunmen attacked the Gidan Ado community in Ganawuri, Riyom Local Government Area of Plateau State, leaving 15 people dead and several others injured. The attack, which targeted the Irigwe community, disrupted the festive spirit and plunged the region into mourning.
Locals confirmed that the heavily armed assailants stormed the community late Sunday night, causing chaos and destruction. Survivors have been rushed to nearby hospitals for treatment, while a mass burial was held for the victims. The attack comes exactly a year after similar incidents marred Christmas celebrations in Plateau communities, including Mangu, Barkin Ladi, and Bokkos LGAs.
Efforts by security agencies to prevent violence during this year’s Christmas season proved futile as the attackers struck despite heightened patrols and stakeholder meetings aimed at ensuring peace.
The chairman of Riyom LGA, Sati Shuwa, confirmed the attack, expressing deep sorrow over the tragedy. “Fifteen people were killed; we just left the community. Two survivors are undergoing treatment in a hospital,” he said.
National Publicity Secretary of the Irigwe Development Association (IDA), Sam Jugo, also lamented the loss, describing the attack as devastating for the community. “Our hearts bleed for the demise of our kinsmen who we hoped to spend this yuletide together, but their lives were cut short. May their souls rest in peace with our maker and God’s comfort to their immediate families and the Irigwe nation,” he said.
The Plateau State Police Command, through its spokesperson Alfred Alabo, and Major Samson Zhakom of Operation Safe Haven, confirmed that investigations are ongoing to uncover the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Earlier reports also indicated another violent attack in the Kwall District of Bassa LGA, where a cleric serving with the Assemblies of God Church and four others were killed by gunmen. These tragic incidents underscore the persistent security challenges faced by Plateau communities.
The repeated attacks have sparked calls for more decisive actions to protect vulnerable communities and prevent further loss of life. As families mourn their loved ones during what should be a season of joy, the demand for peace and security grows ever more urgent.